Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fertility Blend

Corey got his Fertility Blend the other day and has started taking it twice a day. I've also been continuing to drink a bottle of Green Tea a day. I'm really starting to get sick of it but I really do notice a difference when I drink it. Oh, and Corey is eating a can of oysters most days per his dad's instructions! :)

I've been really bad about my temp the last few days. I'm either staying up too late or waking up and tossing and turning too close to 7 am to get an accurate temp. I guess that is why it's good that we decided to just have sex every other day this cycle. I also haven't gotten a positive OPK yet so I think it's okay and I'm not missing my temp shift.

**I'm pregnant until someone says I'm not.**

Here is a picture from a recent wedding we went to.


Malinda said...

Hi Ashley, just stumbled on your blog today... so sorry to hear about your troubles to become pregnant. my dh and I have been trying off and on since Sept. '07 with no success yet. we have decided to take the summer off and I'm talking traditional chinese herbs/supplements and will start with accupuncture in the fall. I'm just wondering if something like that would help you guys out too. we haven't been for any kind of fertility testing at this point. trying to take a more natural approach for now. Do you see a naturopathic doctor? or is there one in your area specializing in infertility?

this is my blog

i just posted a link about TCM the other day.

Crystal said...

So glad his parents are giving you some hints to try to help out! I hope this month is your lucky month!!

Jenn said...

Hi there~

I just came to your blog from thenest. I just want to say that I just read Baby Proof 2 weeks ago, and that quote at the top of your page took my breath away and made me sob. It's such a beautiful way to think about this road we're traveling. Good luck!