I've really been trying to make an effort to go "green" as of lately, but I'm really struggling. I guess I like the convienences that are available to me and therefore take too much advantage of them. Some of the things I do or have done include, not using dryer sheets but using vinegar instead(I really want the fabric softener smell on my laundry again), leaving the windows open longer(even though it's 90 degrees here and almost 80 degrees in my house), air drying the dishes instead of running the dry cycle on the dishwasher, this winter I would leave the oven open after using it to help heat the house, when the heat/air is on we set it high/low and use a programmable thermostat so it can adjust when we aren't home, we have some, not all, of the spirally light bulbs. I know this is far from going "green", like I said, we like the modern day conveniences.
I would like to recycle I honestly would, and I know this is a lame excuse, but we hav NOWHERE to put recycling bins. We could put them in the garage but then I would have to walk out there everytime I had something to recycle and again, that's not convenient. I would like to take advantage of our clothesline this summer but how do I get that fabric softener smell then, and what do I do with our underwear. I really don't want our neighbors to see it! :) I know we could use cloth diapers but the thought of having to clean out poopy diapers is enough to make my stomach turn so I can only imagine what it would be like to actually have to DO it. I know some people don't flush the toilet if they just pee, but I really don't like the idea of walking into the bathroom and seeing my husbands pee, for some reason that seems gross to me.
SO, my question to you is, what do you do to go "green".
The Weekend Dish: 2/22/2025
1 day ago
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